Nexsure® Release (10-25-2019)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- If an attachment is not uploaded successfully to Nexsure the Name, Description, Date etc will now all show in a red font indicating it was not uploaded successfully. The checkbox can be checked and the Delete button clicked to remove it from the Attachment screen once it is no longer needed. The attachment will also show in red on the OTHER section of a delivery and cannot be selected for delivery
- Updated the Oregon Mutual Download Coverage Codes
- Updated the Auto Owners Work Comp Download Coverage Codes
- Updated the Union Standard-Berkley Download Coverage Codes
- Updated the Arrowhead Commercial Lines Download Coverage Codes
- Updated the Hanover Personal Lines Download Coverage Codes
- Updated the Safety BOP Download Coverage Codes
- Updated the ACORD 90 SD form
- Updated the ACORD 90 ND form
- Replaced the Retail Agent Remittance Advice report with a new updated version. The new version includes some formatting changes and is titled Commission Statement
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue where user was able to renew and In Force a policy after a carrier had been made Inactive. User will now get a message stating the carrier is Inactive which will prevent them from In Forcing the policy unless the carrier is changed to an active one
- Corrected an issue in which users who were assigned to a restricted policy were not able to see Claims on the restricted policy unless they were at policy-level
- Corrected an issue where Activity Notes were trying to assign to accounts solely on a client name match even when there was no policy number match. Going forward, if a policy number match is not found, a client exception will be received
- Corrected an issue in which data entered on Acord 25 Default Special Instructions section was truncating
- Corrected an issue in which vehicle information was being duplicated on the Change Request Overflow form
- Corrected an issue on the Carrier Payables report where the AR Balance was not being calculated correctly for Retail Agent Net-Billed invoices
- Corrected an issue on the Aged Client Accounts Receivable Detail report. The issue occurred when the same person is assigned twice on the policy and the report was run for All Assignments. This caused the Billed Amount to be doubled and the Balance Due to be overstated
- Corrected issues on the Carrier Income report where some of the income was being associated to clients or retail agents when it should have been associated to a carrier